10 dm SNOW

went snowboarding this morning 10 dm new snow i love snowboarding tho i still have problems with my feet so i couldn't snowboard for more than an hour wich sucks... hope it gets better soon, can't stand the pain i get! tried my new googles and my new jacket today aswell lovin it!

last night was a nightmare at work. people are so rude and stupid, they think they can mess with me, well they are wrong! this guy stood on the side in the queue and he was like: i been waiting for my åre meal for ages i was like: you have NOT order a åre meal so either you stop complaining and leave or you buy some food! and then he just keept on trying, i got proper enjoyed so i got really rude... not good when you'r working in a restaurant but i couldn't help it.

one week to stockholm way excited!
knölen is up for a few days goin out tomorrow so hopefully its not that busy at work so i can finish early


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