everything happens for a reason
going down to town now to buy mum and me a goldfish for xmas!! i was so happy last night it was snowing, but now.... everything is gone and its raining WHY?!
things don't seem to go my way... hope this week will bring some positive things
4 weeks to xmas and its SNOWING outside, im so happy!
went to the pictures with louise last night, saw twilight, new moon such a good film hate the ending tho, now i need to wait for another film to be released!!
scarborough 09
these two weeks in england has been amazing i don't want to go home.. me and tom went to york yesterday such a beautiful town reminds me a lot of visby.
anyway time to get going, its harder to leave then i thought it would be...
england is amazing i love this country but there's one thing that is not that good, ever heard of RAIN?
stayed with hope 9th-16th we had a fun nightout in huddersfield and an amazing nightout in leeds! went to the seaside which is very different compared to our seaside, had fish and chips for the first time. didn't think i would like it but i did it was nice.
me, jess and hope went down to london for two days, had such a nice time. we went on an open bus tour, went to see billy elliot at the theather good times.
was a bit said to leave hope again but know ill see her again so it was not as hard as in australia. in hull atm with tom, haven't really seen anything of hull yet tom been working so i've just stayed in watching dvd's, i don't mind its nice to just relax and metaly prepare for teaching french again lol
i don't know what to do, im so fed up with this! work, sweden, not being able to be with people i really wanna be around
im so happy to go away for a couple of weeks, hopefully sort some stuff out...
its insane how cheap it can be to travel, i payed 200 kr for my ticket skavsta-liverpool and 800 kr for my ticket heathrow-arlanda. could have got it even cheaper if i had booked it last month, it would have been 400 kr return sweden-england
time for bed soon? having two long days infront of me: tomorrow: 10-15-20 school and 16-01 max, wed: 8.40-14 school 16-20 max
as gemma would have said to me "its just because you'r foreign"
counting 7
he went to kenya for 2 weeks and everything he tells me now reminds me so much of 2006 when me, micka and magda was in zanzibar, such an amazing trip memories for life.
- lariam made me hallunicate
- our tickets from kenya-zanzibar didn't exist
- "fångarna på fortet" back from stone town
- floods
- francis maria libermann school
- had to introduce our selfs one by one standing on a box (or something) infront of the whole school
- the pronunciation for red: redii
- "are they dangerous? well if you are a passionfruit" micka was a bit worried about the snakes in the garden
- titanic out to prison island
- sunset bungalows
- jambo! mambo habari? hakuna matata

me and emelie friday night. we "värmde upp" for what to come next weekend, UPPSALA. don't remember so much of fridaynight think i had too much of the good old aussie wine and sofiero but what i know is: that sub was amazing!!
last night was a nightmare at work everything went wrong for me, first the drive then on closing the dishwasher NOT FUN....